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Ductus — Book


Size: A5 • Pages: 100 • Print run of 40 • Laser Printed • Hand bound with screws • Recycled Paper 110gm • Publishing Date: February 21

In calligraphy, ‘Ductus’ is the direction, number and sequence of strokes necessary to create letterforms. For this project, by freely amplifying the experience of lines becoming letters, I set about trying to understand ‘Ductus’ — the steps and processes that constitute calligraphy.

I began with the first step, which was, obviously, the line — drawing pages and pages of straight parallel lines, slowly starting to give them angles with increasing complexity. Before long, they began resembling letters, and I organically moved towards full scripts. From there, I continued on this expedition, roaming through the history of handwriting models, from Gothics to Romans to Copperplates.